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Give the gift of opportunity to those in need.

HAO wants to thank all of its donors for their generous support!​


We could not serve the people of the Lehigh Valley without our benefactors.


¡Muchisimas Gracias!

Will You Help Us?


HAO is on a mission to help members in our community create paths of opportunity for themselves, and their families.


So far, with AMAZING SUPPORTERS like you, we have been able to impact the lives of over 250,000 people since we opened our doors. But there is still so much work to do.


Please consider making a contribution today! For individual and corporate donations, please contact Maria Cruz (ext. 2047) or Rosa Melendez (ext. 2045)

at (610) 435-5334


All contributions are tax-deductible.



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"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."


-Winston Churchill

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